St. Albans School was established in Faridabad in 1982. The school is located in Sector -15 and has been affiliated to the CBSE upto secondary level, since 1994.
The teaching of various subjects from class Nursery onwards is non-mechanical. The concepts of the subjects taught in school are made clear to the children in a manner that they get interested in these subjects.
We have the right atmosphere to teach your ward/s and enrich their growth.They learn through personal experience, an aroused curiosity and a sensitive response to the environment, which, we endeavour to make secure and familiar. We make them feel relaxed, stimulate them, encourage them and generate self confidence in them. We take personal care of your ward.
The enlightened sections of population in Faridabad have watched the functioning of our school with considerable critical interest. It has been found that the school has made a concrete contribution to the educational opportunities available in Faridabad. It is reckoned to be a school with a difference, perhaps unique, in many ways. The approach to teaching children and the integrity of the administration of the school have been found to be qualitatively sound.
A particular mention must be made of the fact that what we know about education is being used very imaginatively to suit the needs of the children of our school.
In short, St. Albans School represents a modest effort in taking initiatives in making innovation in unconventional forms of education efforts.
Our Board results have been 100%. Our toppers have been offered places on merit in all the prestigious schools of Faridabad.